SASM News (199)
New postdoctoral fellowship in Bioinformatics and Metagenomics available (2013-2015).
A postdoctoral position in the bioinformatic analysis of metagenomic data is available for a suitably qualified PhD graduate for up to 3 years, renewable based on performance and progress. The successful applicant will pursue research in IMBM, in a project aimed to mine metagenomic next generation sequence data from extreme environments for biotechnologically relevant genes which can be developed as products in the bioenergy, agricultural and human medicine sectors.
Dr Hafizah Chenia is planning to organize a Microbiology Education workshop at SASM 2013. This is a particularly exciting opportunity to learn about new developments in the US (and worldwide), because Dr Chenia visited the ASMCUE, the primary microbiology educator conference. At this stage, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to express your interest in attending such a workshop.
Next generation sequencing and bioinformatics courses
Written by Heinrich VolschenkAfter our successful introductory course to next generation sequencing and bioinformatics held at SANBI at the University of the Western Cape in April 2012 in conjunction with IMBM and Roche Diagnostics we are happy to announce that we are running this course again this year along with two advanced courses.
SASM 2013 important dates:
Ensuring Safe Rainwater for Western Cape Communities
Written by Heinrich VolschenkThe quality of the essential commodity water is being compromised by contaminants originating from anthropogenic sources, industrial activities, and agriculture amongst others. Water scarcity and severe drought in many regions of the world also represents a significant challenge to the availability of this resource. Domestic rainwater harvesting (DRWH), which involves the collection and storage of water from rooftops and diverse surfaces, is successfully implemented worldwide as a sustainable water supplement. In South Africa, a water-scarce country, the use of domestic rainwater harvesting is predominantly practised by communities situated in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. While the use of DRWH tank systems can definitely suffice and serve as an alternative water supply, there is a health risk associated with the use of this water source for drinking purposes, especially if the water is used untreated. Currently the information available on the microbial and chemical quality of harvested rainwater in South Africa is limited.
Travel bursaries are available for researchers in life sciences.
Apply now, if you plan to attend a scientific conference, meeting, course, or overseas lab visit before February 2014.
Public lecture by Prof Kattesh Katti
Director, University of Missouri Cancer Nanotechnology Platform
Title: What Do You Know About Green Nanotechnology? Implications in Health and Hygiene
Dr. Katti's research is focused on unraveling fundamentals of science and apply those principles and concepts to developing new chemical species at the macro and nano scales. In the nanodomain, he is interested in exploring chemical, biophysical, magnetic and photophysical properties, that are unique to specific nanoparticulates, toward the design and development of sophisticated diagnostic and therapeutic agents. Targeted nanoparticles are being utilized in the detection of diseases at the cellular/sub cellular levels while radiochemical and X ray absorption properties of gold nanoparticles, embedded selectively within tumor cells/sites, are being applied for effective therapy of breast, liver, lung, oral, prostate and pancreatic cancers. Drug discovery approaches are built around clinical translation motif as Dr. Katti strongly believes that discoveries should translate into value added products to ultimately serve humanity.
Green nanotechnology is at the focal point of Dr. Katti's approach to pursuing research in nanotechnology as he strongly believes in the total elimination of toxic chemicals either for the synthesis or as byproducts in the production of engineered nanoparticles. Toward this end, phytochemicals occluded within plants, herbs or from various sources from mother nature are being used in developing 100% green processes for the development of nano constructs for use in a plethora of medical, agricultural, hygienic and technological applications.
Date: Wednesday 19 June
Time: 13h00-14h00
Place: UWC campus, SANBI Seminar room, Life Science Building, 5th Floor, Core 1
RSVP: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date:Thursday, 20th June 2013
Time: 13h00 – 14h00
Place: Stellenbosch University, Room A203, JC Smuts Building
For more information please contact: Dr HJ Maree; Department of Genetics; Tel.:+27 808 9294; Mobile:+27 83 556 5567
16th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID): Cape Town
Written by Heinrich Volschenk
Specific Call for young (South) African microbiologists!
The International Society for Infectious Diseases (ISID) is currently organizing the 16th ICID that will be held in Cape Town, South Africa on April 2-5, 2014. For information about the meeting, please visit the meeting website.
How to keep your membership profile up-to-date
Written by Heinrich VolschenkWe often get requests about SASM membership status and membership renewals. For example: I am paid up until when? or I am not sure when last I paid my membership fees, do you know? Well there is a really easy way to check this yourself. To update your membership profile or to verify your membership status, just follow these 4 simple steps:
SASM2013 will take place from 24-27 November 2013 at Forever Resorts Warmbaths ( Please see our website (CONGRESSES>SASM2013) for details, abstract submission and registration. The theme for SASM2013 is “From Africa to the World: Trending Microbiology”. The Organizing Committee wants to put together “trendy”, modern programme, yet taking into account the traditional tracks at our previous conferences: Environmental Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Industrial Microbiology, Virology, Medical Microbiology, Plant Microbiology, Food Microbiology, and Virology. In order to achieve this, we would like to involve all SASM members at South African Universities, Research Institutions and various Industries and Service providers.
The 18th Biennial Conference of the South African Society of Microbiology (SASM) will be held at Forever Resorts Warmbaths, Bela-Bela between 24 and 27 November 2013. “From Africa to the World: Trending Microbiology” is the motto of SASM 2013. Find out all about the SASM2013 conference on SASM's website.
Academy of Science of South Africa Launches Appeal for Participation in Life Science Survey
Written by Heinrich VolschenkResearch and development in the life sciences is an important element of South Africa’s growth and development. It is also essential to address the needs of public health. The Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) intends to contribute towards ensuring that life science research in South Africa is conducted safely, securely and ethically through undertaking a national study of the life science sector.