SASM News (199)
The International Society for Functional Metagenomics is pleased to announce the second conference on
to be held near Pretoria, South Africa in June 2013.
Dates: 2nd June 2013 to 5th June 2013
- Scheduled arrivals, Sunday 2nd June, am.
- Welcome and Plenary Lecture, evening of Sunday 2nd June
- Lecture Program; Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th am.
- Departures: Wednesday 5th pm.
Travel: Most of the world’s major airlines have regular scheduled flights to Johannesburg’s modern O.R. Thambo International Airport.
Venue: Zebra Lodge, Limpopo is sited about 80km north of Johannesburg’s O.R. Thambo Airport in spectacular African thornveld.
The meeting will offer an all-inclusive package (airport transfers, registration fees, 3 night’s accommodation, all meals, gala dinner, internet, some beverages and a ‘Big 5’ game drive)
Scientific Content: This meeting aims to bring together the leading researchers in the field of ‘functional genomics’. The program will include the latest technical and theoretical developments in the fields of metatransciptomics and metagenomic gene discovery, with clinical, industrial, and environmental applications.
Other activities: For conference registrants wishing to arrive early or stay longer, we can provide contact details for the conference venue and travel agents who can assist with other tourist activities.
Organisation: The meeting will be hosted by the University of Pretoria and organised by a local organising committee chaired by Professor Don Cowan, Director of the Centre for Microbial Ecology and Genomics. For further information and expressions of interest, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
FunctGenSoc: For more information on the International Society for Functional Metagenomics, please contact Professor Trevor Charles (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Registrations will open in February 2013
The Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics (IMBM)
Written by Heinrich VolschenkThe Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics (IMBM), a research unit based within the Department of Biotechnology at the University of the Western Cape is seeking suitable candidates to fill several MSc, PhD and Post Doctoral positions available on offer for 2013. Projects available and further information is detailed in the brochure attached.
General inquiries can be forwarded to Professor Marla Tuffin, Acting Director: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Symposium: Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials 2013 (BFF2013)
Written by Heinrich VolschenkThe Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials symposium, for a sustainable development of a Biobased Economy, will be held on 7-10 April 2013 in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Organised by: | Wageningen University, Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research |
Date: | Sun 7 April until Wed 10 April |
Venue: | Hof van Wageningen, Wageningen, The Netherlands |
In the symposium on Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials 2013 (BFF2013) the whole biorefinery value chain is considered, from where biomass cultivation is linked with biomass processing steps to the individual applications and recycling of resources to reduce the overall footprint. The symposium also unites stakeholders from agro, food, chemical, fuel and energy sectors with a common interest within the biorefinery chains.
Biobased chemicals, materials, biofuels and energy
Production of non-food components, such as chemicals, materials, biofuels and energy, from biomass is often considered to compete with food production with respect to land, water and scarce resources. Biorefinery is the key technology in the separation of the components of biomass for their own application. From this basis biorefinery offers the potential to use the biomass for both food and non-food production.
Biorefineries advanced the use of biomass, but due to the oversupply of raw materials in our food chains in the past, there was no strong driver to improve the efficiency in using biomass. The increased request in food and non-food applications calls for a change in attitude in the interaction between food and non-food chains.
We invite you - researchers, industries and users - to forward the discussion on the development of biorefineries during the symposium on Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials 2013 (BFF2013). The special challenge for the discussion is how food and non-food applications can further benefit from each other. Two times more products from biomass with two times less impact for the environment is the driver for this discussion.
Registration costs and provision
Full fee | Student fee | ||
Before 1 March 2013: | 575 euro | 375 euro | |
After 1 March 2013: | 675 euro | 475 euro | |
Excursions: | 50 euro |
The registration fees include
- access to the conference
- delegates pack containing the abstracts book
- lunches and refreshments during the conference
- social program and the conference dinner
- use of board rooms for satellite meetings (only after consulting the secretariat)
Grant support is offered to a limited amount of PhD students for part of the conference fee. To apply for this, a letter of motivation can be send to the Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). PhD students that successfully apply for the grant pay a reduced symposium fee of 250 euros.
Accompanying persons are welcome. Please contact the Secretariat (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) to discuss possibilities.
Payment is only possible by Ideal or Credit Card on the registration site.
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations should be sent to the Secretariat only in a written form by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Until 1 March 2013: No cancellations fees will be applied |
From 1 March - 1 April 2013: cancellation fees are 50% |
After 1 April: No refund |
Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials 2013 (BFF2013) is organised by Wageningen UR in cooperation with INRA, France.
Johan Sanders | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Ton van Boxtel | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Marieke Bruins | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Ben Langelaan | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Michael O'Donohue | (INRA, France) |
Hedy Wessels | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Rene Wijffels | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Johan Sanders | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Ton van Boxtel | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Marieke Bruins | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Michael O'Donohue | (INRA, France) |
Atze-Jan van der Goot | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Anita Linnemann | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Rene van Ree | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
David Strik | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Hans Reith | (ECN, The Netherlands) |
Michel Eppink | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Ludo Diels | (VITO, Belgium) |
Axel Kraft | (Frauenhofer, Germany) |
Connie Philips | (Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development, Canada) |
Michael O'Donohue | (INRA, France) |
Bruce Dale | (Michigan State University, United States) |
Maria Barbosa | (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) |
Wim Soetaert | (Ghent University, Belgium) |
Huug De Vries | (IATE/INRA, France) |
Lilia Ahrné | (SIK, Sweden) |
Jean Francois Jenck | (AlgoSource Technologies, France) |
Venue and Hotel
Hof van Wageningen
Lawickse Allee 9
6701 AN Wageningen
Hotel: Hof van Wageningen has 140 rooms in option for 'BFF2013' at the location of the symposium. When you are booking a room in this hotel, please mention 'BFF2013' with your booking. Reservations can only be made by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The price per night for a single room is €75,- a double room is €92,50; including breakfast, tax not included.
November SASM Social Media Highlights
Written by Heinrich VolschenkFollow SASM on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ to get these Microbiology-related news updates. Here is a curated summary of our shared tweets for November thus far:
Top 20 journals in Microbiology according to #googlescholar . #microbiology #science #scientific #scientificjournals
Thousands of years ago, aquatic bacteria evolved magnetic components to identify direction. Learn more here: -
Good middens! 30,000-year-old DNA preserved in poo - a window into the past - and one sample came from South Africa.
Can Mushrooms Save the World? …
Quantitative PCR -- the deltadeltaCt method: via @youtube
Evolution in Action - Mutant Bacteria Replicating Superbugs - Prof. Roy Kishony #mutation #evolution
Perhaps a bit gross for some #PLOSONE: A Jungle in There: Bacteria in Belly Buttons are Highly Diverse, but Predictable …
Microbes Consume Methane, Sulfate … via@cenmag
Researchers Report Novel Approach for Single Molecule Electronic DNA Sequencing - Columbia University …
Stanford Bioengineers Introduce ‘Bi-Fi’ — The Biological Internet | School of Engineering via @sharethis
Upcoming Yeast Conferences-SASM …
The Turn of the Screw: James Watson on The Double Helix and his changing view of Rosalind Franklin - … via @BoingBoing
First International Conference of the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM) …
SGM blog post - Boosting stress tolerance in yeast
FEMS 2013, The 5th Congress of European Microbiologists, Leipzig, Germany, July 21-25, 2013 update:
Cetaceans on the short side of economic development?-SASM …
Sitting still or going hunting: Which works better? (via @MITnews)
Meetings that may be of interest to the yeast community are listed below:
20th Annual Southeastern Regional Yeast Meeting (SERYM)
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham AL
March 8 - 10, 2013
British Yeast Group Meeting - BYG2013
Nottingham, UK
March 20 - 22, 2013
30th International Specialised Symposium on Yeast (ISSY)
Stara Lesna, Slovakia
June 18 - 22, 2013
YEAST 2013: 26th International Conference on Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology
Frankfurt University, Frankfurt, Germany
August 29 - September 3, 2013
Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology Meeting
University of Washington, Seattle WA
July 29 - August 3, 2014
First International Conference of the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM)
Written by Heinrich Volschenk
Some 1500 laboratory professionals, clinicians, program managers, epidemiologists, researchers, students, and policy makers will convene in Cape Town, South Africa from December 1-7, 2012 for the First International Conference of the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM).
The objective of this meeting is to convene healthcare professionals and policy makers from Africa and around the world to present and discuss the latest developments and initiatives for strengthening national laboratory health systems and networks, diagnostics, and their impact on healthcare delivery and disease surveillance.
Click here for the conference Program-at-a-Glance.
The conference will address a wide range of laboratory-related subject areas with particular emphasis on: translation of laboratory knowledge, practices, and technologies into clinical care; the interface of laboratory with medical science; laboratory-based epidemiology; and laboratory investigations and evidence-based effectiveness in real world settings.
Specifically, the conference will provide a forum for:
ASLM2012 will feature plenary sessions, oral and poster presentations, and symposia. The official languages of the meeting are English, French, and Portuguese and simultaneous translation will be available during the plenary sessions.
At the completion of this meeting, participants should be able to:
- Assess their individual efforts in light of the most current knowledge and information about laboratory medicine.
- Incorporate best practices emerging from laboratory, clinical, and epidemiological research and implementation science into their professional endeavours.
- Translate the latest laboratory and clinical evidence into making progress towards the advancement of professional laboratory medicine practice, science, systems, and networks in Africa.
Cetaceans on the short side of economic development?
Written by Heinrich VolschenkEconomic growth and stability, standard of living, social inclusion, development of human capital, critical infrastructure, urbanization, industrialization, human rights and jobs for the nation are among the ideals and realities faced by most nations and governments in our current world. However, the benefits of economic welfare are frequently accompanied by increased pressure on the natural environment and resources. High levels and volumes of pollution and waste are released into marine ecosystems, especially near urban areas. Taking into account that 21 of the 33 mega cities of the world are located on coastlines, high volume discharges present a major threat to the health and well-being of marine life, including cetacean species.
Structural Biology for the Bioeconomy: Infectious Diseases and Biotechnology
Written by Heinrich VolschenkA conference on “Structural Biology for the Bioeconomy: Infectious Diseases and Biotechnology” will be held at the University of Cape Town from 1 December to 2012 to 4 December 2012. The conference will immediately precede the annual conference of the Microscopy Society of Southern Africa (4-7 December 2012) and will be held in the same venue on the University of Cape Town campus. The conference website is and more about the organisers can be found here:
One of the objectives of SASM as a society is to further knowledge in the various microbiological disciplines and all areas in which it may be applied and to create channels of communication between members who share common interests. As you probably would have observed after an extended lag phase there has been a constant stream of communication from SASM via email recently, but did you know that on the social media front our presence has just started an exponential growth phase?. This new communication phenotype of SASM, who recently evolved into a social media presence on Twitter, Facebook or Google+, has however not reached any viral proportions by far. The diagnosis: it appears our community's quorum sensing response has not kicked in yet and the potential cascade signalling networks is still somewhat feedback inhibited.
On a more serious note, we would like to encourage all SASM members (and potential future members) to join SASM's social media network on Twitter, Facebook or Google+. We intend to enrich the basic weekly email communications with cross-platform postings of news, informative articles and society-related events. Enthusiastic participation and interaction by members is vital for this endeavour to be successful. Our fundamental aim is to create the space where microbiologists from different fields all over South Africa can get involved in sharing news, discussions, idea/knowledge-sharing or just create general awareness of the microbiology landscape in South Africa. So comment on our blog posts, like us on Facebook, tweet and retweet us on Twitter or circle us on Google+.
Don't forget, registered paid-up members also have access to the SASM forum where more discussions and news can be found. As an example, a valuable resource on the SASM forum is the Available Positions section where we will host advertisements of available job offers relevant to our members.
25th Anniversary of Microscopy and Analysis
Written by Heinrich VolschenkThe journal Microscopy and Analysis, launched on 1 September 1987, is celebrating their 25th anniversary! A free issue of the journal, featuring the huge advancement in the development and capabilities of all forms of microscopy reviewed by nine world-leading microscopists on light, electron and scanning probe microscopy, is now available! As mentioned by the editor, Dr Julian Heath, this edition is definitely one to keep!
Martian genome: Is there DNA on the Red Planet?
Written by Heinrich VolschenkCraig Venter helped crack the human genome, created the first synthetic cell and has scoured the sea for novel genomes. Now he has set his sights on Mars. Earlier this week at the Wired Health Conference in New York, he outlined plans to send a robotically controlled genome-sequencing unit, or "biological teleporter", to the Red Planet in order to sequence the genome of alien life that may be there. He's not the first to suggest doing this. Do any of these missions stand a chance?
How will Venter's scheme work?
In short, he wants to send machinery to Mars that can robotically sift through Martian soil to isolate any microbes it contains, sequence their DNA and then beam the digitised results back to Earth. These would be used to create a synthetic version of the Martian genome, which could then be used to recreate Martian life on Earth – all without having to deal with the difficulties of actually bringing the sample back.
Read Colin Barras and Lisa Grossman, NewScientist, 19 October 2012
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ to receive news about blog updates.
Some upcoming Microbiology-related conferences for 2013/2014.
On the SASM website we try to accurately collate all of the relevant microbiology links for easy access to our members. However, the microbiology academic landscape in South Africa changes relatively quickly, with departmental name changes, amalgamation of departments and contact detail changes etc.
We would really like to urge all SASM members to visit the "