Lecturer Position: The University of Fort Hare
Written by Heinrich Volschenk
The Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics (IMBM) is a leading research unit based within the Department of Biotechnology. IMBM is committed to being a globally competitive institute through excellence in research and in the training of future research leaders. The Institute focuses on the research and development of novel, high-value natural products for the pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, food and beverage and agricultural industries, as well as products for industrial processes.
Bergey’s Manual Trust will sponsor five travel awards for postgraduate students or other young investigators to attend BISMiS 2018 in South Africa. Three of these awards will be for any of the young participants with the other two targeting participants from Africa specifically. These awards will cover the conference registration and 3 nights of accommodation but will not cover any travelling costs to and from the meeting. An ad-hoc selection committee will evaluate the applications.
We require the SASM community's assistance to decide on a new SASM logo. Follow THIS LINK to vote for your favourite from a list of 13 new logo designs. You can only vote for one, so please choose judiciously. Voting closes next Tuesday 4 July @ 17h00.
Kindly note: These images are under copyright. It is unlawful to copy, crop, alter, remove watermark, reproduce, print, take a screenshot, cell phone pic, or right click to save any images.
Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics Information Brochure
Written by Heinrich VolschenkTwo employment opportunities available at Roche Sequencing Solutions, Cape Town
Written by Heinrich VolschenkFor details click on the links below:
Employment opportunity: Roche Sequencing Solutions, Cape Town
Written by Heinrich VolschenkEmployment opportunity: Roche Sequencing Solutions, Cape Town (Previously KAPA BIOSYSTEMS)
R&D Senior Scientist - Protein Engineering - R&D Department
Closing date: 20 August 2017
Post-graduate position available at IMBM from 1 May 2017.
The Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics (IMBM) is a leading research unit based within the Department of Biotechnology at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). The Institute is a global competitor in microbial biotechnology and metagenomics, and is committed to excellence in research and in the training of future research leaders. Its research encompasses a number of disciplines including microbiology, (meta)genomics, molecular biology, enzymology and bioinformatics, and employs culture-based approaches as well as cutting edge ”omics” strategies to study microbiomes, and identify novel biosynthetic gene clusters and metabolites. The Institute focuses on the research and development of novel, high-value natural products for the pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, food & beverage and agricultural industries, as well as products for industrial processes.
Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics
University of the Western Cape
South Africa
The Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics (IMBM) is a leading research unit based within the Department of Biotechnology at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). The Institute is a global competitor in microbial biotechnology and metagenomics, and is committed to excellence in research and in the training of future research leaders. Its research encompasses a number of disciplines including microbiology,(meta)genomics, molecular biology, enzymology and bioinformatics, and employs culture-based approaches as well as cutting edge ”omics” strategies.
Post-graduate position available at IMBM
Written by Heinrich VolschenkPost-graduate position available at IMBM
University of the Western Cape
MSc position for Industry-Linked Project
From 1 January 2017
The Institute for Microbial Biotechnology and Metagenomics (IMBM) is a leading research unit based within the Department of Biotechnology at the University of the Western Cape (UWC). The Institute is a global competitor in microbial biotechnology and metagenomics, and is committed to excellence in research and in the training of future research leaders. Its research encompasses a number of disciplines including microbiology, (meta)genomics, molecular biology, enzymology and bioinformatics, and employs culture-based approaches as well as cutting edge ”omics” strategies to study microbiomes, and identify novel biosynthetic gene clusters and metabolites. The Institute focuses on the research and development of novel, high-value natural products for the pharmaceutical, cosmeceutical, food & beverage and agricultural industries, as well as products for industrial processes.