Tuesday, 16 July 2019 09:45

Microorganisms and climate change

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Microbiologists’ Warning on Climate Change 

We invite all microbiologists to endorse the Microbiologists’ Warning – microorganisms are so critical to achieving an environmentally sustainable future that ignoring them risks the fate of Humanity.

Dear Microbiologist,

This letter represents a call to action for microbiologists to warn humanity about the consequences of inaction on climate change.

A Consensus Statement authored by 33 scientists from nine countries has been published in Nature Reviews Microbiology. It looks to place microbes at the centre of the world stage in terms of importance to climate change biology. As a Microbiologists’ Warning, the intent is to raise awareness of the microbial world and make a call to action for microbiologists to become increasingly engaged in, and microbial research to become increasingly infused into the frameworks for addressing climate change.


To amplify the Consensus Statement, we are asking you to become a signatory endorsing the Microbiologists’ Warning.


I hope you will join with us to bring this message to the World.

Please distribute widely through your professional and social networks of microbiology enthusiasts!



medium Rick Ace

Prof. Rick Cavicchioli, representing the authors of the Microbiologists’ Warning Consensus Statement.

School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

UNSW Sydney; NSW 2052; Australia

+61-2-9385-3516; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For more info please have a look at the following sites:

Microbiologists’ Warning Consensus Statement: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41579-019-0222-5

Microbiologists’ Warning signatory page: https://www.babs.unsw.edu.au/content/microbiologists-warning-humanity

Nature Research Microbiology Community: https://naturemicrobiologycommunity.nature.com/users/62229-ricardo-cavicchioli/posts/49210-the-microbiologists-warning


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Read 1978 times Last modified on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 10:01