Displaying items by tag: Travel Award

Wednesday, 21 March 2018 18:42

SASM Travel Awards Announcement

The SASM Council is pleased to announce the outcome of the SASM Travel Awards for the SASM Conference 2018.

 In the Honours category, the awardees are:

  • Jacobus Brink (UFS)
  • Shakier Samie (US)

In the Master's category, the awardees are:

  • M du Plooy (UFS)
  • C. Jacobs (UKZN)
  • T. Clements (US)
  • O. Biko (US)
  • N. Kennedy (UFS)

In the PhD category, the awardees are:

  • K. Dithebe (UFS)
  • M. King (UWC)
  • R. Govender (DUT)
  • L. Madu (UFS)
  • E. Kgotle (UFS)

The SASM Council will like to congratulate all awardees and wish them a productive time at the SASM Conference.



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Friday, 02 February 2018 13:03

SASM Travel Awards Annoucement


SASM will sponsor the conference fees of 12 deserving students (2 Honours, 5 MSc and 5 PhD students) presenting at the SASM2018 congress in Muldersdrift in April 2018.

Published in Conference News
Friday, 06 October 2017 12:14

BISMiS 2018 Travel Awards

Bergey’s Manual Trust will sponsor five travel awards for postgraduate students or other young investigators to attend BISMiS 2018 in South Africa. Three of these awards will be for any of the young participants with the other two targeting participants from Africa specifically. These awards will cover the conference registration and 3 nights of accommodation but will not cover any travelling costs to and from the meeting. An ad-hoc selection committee will evaluate the applications.

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Friday, 15 January 2016 13:49


The SASM Council would like to congratulate the following students on being recipients of the SASM2016 TRAVEL AWARD:

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Wednesday, 19 June 2013 16:54

WhiteSci Travel Awards open!

Travel bursaries are available for researchers in life sciences.Flying WOO

Apply now
, if you plan to attend a scientific conference, meeting, course, or overseas lab visit before February 2014.

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