Tuesday, 15 December 2020 07:34

SASM2020 - Call for Abstracts Featured

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ABSTRACTS                                                                                                                                                                          NB dates

To encourage collaboration and broaden our perspectives onmicrobial interactions, abstracts are invited in the following fields: 

- Microbes interacting with humans and other animals
- Microbes interacting with plants
- Microbes interacting with each other
- Microbes interacting with the built and natural environment
- Microbes interacting with food and beverages
- Microbes interacting with chemicals
- Microbes interacting with metals


Abstracts can be submitted online until 1 March 2021, should not exceed 500 words and should comply to the template and guidelines provided.

Oral presentation will be 10 minutes.

Poster presentations will be presented in 2 slides with time for discussion.

Click here to submit your asbtarct online. 


Please note: All previously submitted abstracts have been removed!

Registration opens 1 March 2021. Discounted registration for SASM members!


For opportunities to participate as a sponsor and/or exhibitor, please visit ourwebsite or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Conferences and Events for further details.



Read 1148 times Last modified on Wednesday, 20 January 2021 08:21